ICRH-Kenya in partnership with the Ministry of Health and support from APHIA PLUS aimed to contribute to increased access to quality reproductive health (RH) services among female sex workers(FSW) and men who have sex with men (MSM) in Coast province. The intervention components were implemented in line with National guidelines for HIV/STI programs for MARP groups; Behavioral component, biomedical component and structural component.

The interventions were primarily implemented through drop-in ser- vice centers that are MARPS friendly, venue based and moonlight outreaches and through door to door services. The services provid- ed to clients at the DISCs and outreaches included HIV Testing and Counseling, STI screening and treatment and FP services. During the year under review, cervical cancer screening was also intro- duced to the FSW DISCs. The other activities carried out included peer education sessions under both the FSW and MSM/MSW com- ponent and condom and lubricant promotion and distribution.