Strategic Focal Area

Institutional Capacity Development

  • In order to implement the Strategic Plan and achieve its objectives, the Commission will need to strengthen the organisational structure and recruit competent staff. The policies and procedures for the key activities also need to be developed.
  • The Protocol, while largely being clear on the terms of establishment and operation of the EAHRC, also contains certain inconsistencies. The objectives of the EAHRC need to be articulated more succinctly avoiding duplication. It is important that the recommendations for the amendments to the Protocol be presented to the Council of Ministers for ratification.

Resource Mobilisation

  • Availability of adequate financial resources is a prerequisite for the effectiveness of the Commission. In addition to the budget allocation from EAC and the Partner States, the Commission will need to generate resources using innovative approaches. These may include income-generating activities, research grants, funding from development Partners and Public-Private Partnerships.
  • As a newly established institution, EAHRC has to develop its corporate image such that all the key stakeholders are clear about the objectives and roles of EAHRC. The activities for developing the corporate image will include networking with national, regional and international institutions, publicising EAHRC to donors and development partners, developing publicity materials such as the profile and brochures, featuring in public media including TV and radio and launching corporate social responsibility initiatives.

Research Collaboration and Capacity Development

  • Developing research capacity, including human resources, technology and infrastructure for health research is critical to the success of health research in the Community.
  • Creating collaborative research programmes among research organisations is essential.
  • The advancements in the science, technology and innovation and ICT need to be exploited fully for the improvement of health service delivery in the Community.
  • Establishing a regional health surveillance system and Centers of Excellence in specific research areas are among the priorities of the Commission.

Research Environment

  • The Commission recognises the importance of the norms that promote the aims of research and minimise errors. Ethical standards foster collaborative work. Ethical principles protect the dignity, rights and welfare of research participants and the interests of the stakeholders.
  • It is a priority of the Commission to harmonise ethics review frameworks and develop mechanisms for harmonised quality assurance and quality control.
  • Strengthening the regional framework on intellectual property rights, patents, copyrights etc. and increasing the community involvement is essential to improve the sustainability of health research.
  • Strengthening and harmonising the regulatory framework for research in the region which will improve the quality assurance and quality control.

Knowledge Management

  • It is imperative that relevant knowledge is generated, captured, synthesised, assessed, shared, disseminated and utilised to solve the health challenges and support the development aspirations of the Community.
  • The Community needs to focus on creating knowledge platforms which provide an optimum environment for the maximum utilisation of knowledge acquired through research for improvement of health in the region and refining the existing knowledge through systematic investigations and use the findings to address the health and health-related issues affecting the Community.
  • Translation of the knowledge into policy, practice, products and services is essential.

Collaboration and Coordination of Research Programmes and Networks

  • Development of collaborative research programmes in the region.
  • Development of a network of health research institutions.
  • Development of Centres of Excellence in health research.
  • Mechanisms for collaboration in health research in the Partner States.
  • Establishment of Expert Technical Working Groups (TWG) for priority health research and policy areas.
  • Establishment of National Focal Points.
  • Establishment of national research stakeholders.
  • Audit research projects/programmes within the region.

Research Capacity Building

  • Develop human resource capacity and skills in health research.
  • Facilitate the development of collaborative research capacity building programmes.
  • Assist the Governments of the Partner States and health research institutions in identifying the best ways of developing and retaining qualified health research personnel.
  • Assist in strategic planning in health research institutions and other organisations performing health research.
  • Assist member institutions in identifying and implementing good practices in the management of health research projects and ensure appropriate use of resources.
  • Assist Governments and other bodies in the development of strategies for adequate investment in health research.
  • Play a critical role in the search for research grants and resource.

One-Health Approach

  • The Commission recognises the fact that the health of humans, animals, and the environment are interrelated. Given the fact that the increasing interference of humans, livestock and wildlife gives rise to health vulnerabilities. The One-Health Approach needs to be pursued within the Community to ensure that the interdisciplinary collaborations and communications in all aspects of healthcare for humans, animals and the environment are catered for.

EAHRC Main Achievements 2015 - 2017

  • Establishment and operationalisation of the board of Commissioners.
  • Establishment and operationalisation of National Focal Points and National Stakeholders.
  • Development and approval of EAHRC Strategic Plan 2016-2021.
  • Development and approval organogram of the EAHRC Secretariat.
  • Development and approval EAHRC Logo and Motto.
  • Organization of the East African Health and Scientific Conference & International Health Exhibition and Trade Fair (Bujumbura, Burundi 29th - 31st March 2017).
  • Publication of the East African Health Research Journal.
  • Baseline Assessment of Ethics Review Frameworks for Health Research in the East African Community for the purpose of possible harmonisation.
  • Baseline Assessment and Mapping of Sources for Domestic Financing Health Research in East African Community Partner States.
  • Establishment of Digital REACH Initiative.
  • Performed 1st Young East African Health Research Scientists' Forum (YEARS’ Forum) held in Arusha, Tanzania 30th May - 1st June 2018.