Dennis Mukui Kimata


Academic Background

1. PhD in Environmental Physiology, University of Nairobi, 2008

Title of Thesis: Effects of Rearing Methods and Hormones on Growth and Reproduction of the Helmeted Guinea Fowl Numida meleagris. Supervised by Prof. R. W. Mwangi (SBS, UON) and Dr P. M. Mathiu (Department of Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology, UON)

2. M.Sc in Physiology and Cell Biology Option, University of Nairobi, 1994

Title of Thesis: Plasma Cortisol, Luteinizing Hormone and Testosterone Levels in Human African Trypanosomiasis Patients from Western Kenya. Supervised by Prof E. N. Waindi (Maseno University), Prof D. W. Makawiti (Maseno University) and Prof. S. Dadzie (UON)

3. B.Sc in Zoology and Biochemistry, University of Nairobi, 1990