Friends of Children with Cancer-Tanzania

POINT (39.2887949 -6.813258)

About us

Cancer is among the most threatening disease which has claimed many lives of our beloved ones in this world. Among 10 people you meet at least 8 has come across someone with cancer, whether relative, friend, neighbour, partner or family member. Friends of Children with Cancer was conceived by 10 friends who shared the same sentiments.

Among the 10 friends, its the touching story of Janet Manoni. She lost her mother in 2010 after 2 years of battling with osoephagus cancer (throat cancer), in 2011 her dad was diagnosed with pancriatis cancer 3 days before his death, if that is not enough in the same year her only sister started the journey of fighting osoephagus cancer. Unfortunately she lost the battle in 2012 leaving behind 2 children who are cared now by Janet.