Promoting Alternative Means of Livelihood to Reduce STI/HIV among Vulnerable Groups in Kilifi, Coast Province

ICRH-K is implementing evidence-based interventions to address the sexual and reproductive health needs, and promoting behavior change, among female sex workers (FSW) in the Kilifi District, Coast Province. The programme contributes to UNFPA country programme annual plan (CPAP) and aims at comprehen- sive condom programming, scaling up of HIV and STI prevention skills and services, strategic behavior change communication, increasing counselling and testing for HIV uptake among sex workers and reducing vulnerability in the context of sex work.

During the year, we included a youth and sexual and gender based violence component. We recruited and trained 40 youth peer educators to reach out to the youth in Kilifi District and under the SGBV component we concentrated on capacity development and advocacy of SGBV to health care providers, religious leaders and the community targeting men and the youth.