AGPAHI entered an agreement with EGPAF in the implementation of the Linking Initiatives for the Elimination of Paediatric HIV (LIFE) project in Shinyanga region old borders. AGPAHI being a national organization and an affiliate of EGPAF whose current area of work is Shinyanga region was made a part of the implementing partners of a comprehensive RCH/PMTCT program.

The goal of the LIFE program is to increase the quality efficiency and cost-effectiveness of comprehensive HIV/AIDS services in the Program’s focus regions in Tanzania and to ensure a sustainable and locally-owned response.

The role of AGPAHI is to provide technical assistance to districts and health facilities in Shinyanga, Simiyu (all districts except Busega) and Geita (Only in Mbogwe and Bukombe districts) regions for effective implementation of initiatives towards RCH and PMTCT.

Funds for implementation of activities is provided directly to districts through sub-agreements between EGPAF and the district councils. AGPAHI only receive funds for centrally planned activities.