JCRC implemented the highly successful the Timetable for Regional Expansion of Antiretroviral Therapy (TREAT) Program, funded by USAID under PEPFAR. TREAT was a seven year project with a Budget of US $69.4 Million. The project started in December 2003, and closed on 30th September 2010. The overall TREAT program aimed at providing universal ART for all in need through an equitable, high quality and sustainable national program based on the ministry of health policy and guidelines. The specific objectives were as follows:

  1. To build capacity and establish a framework for quality ART program, develop essential infrastructure mainly through renovation and expansion of existing space, within the selected health facilities
  2. To set up ART centres in partnership with private and public sectors including regional referral hospitals, faith based hospitals, health centres.
  3. To establish logistics for efficient and accountable provision of ART
  4. To train key care providers in provision of ART and later provision of services
  5. To set and improve laboratory monitoring in the provinces
  6. To establish a quality assurance program
  7. To establish develop partnerships with key stakeholders in the area of HIV/AIDS treatment