• The National Center for Blood Transfusion abbreviated "CNTS" hereinafter referred to as "THE CENTER" erected is a personalized administration of the State by Decree No. 100/073 of 28 April 1993 is a public service with a legal personality own assets and management autonomy. It is placed under the hierarchical authority of the Minister of Public Health in his attributions. The headquarters of the National Blood Transfusion Center is established in BUJUMBURA. It may be transferred to any other part of the national territory by decision of the supervising Ministry and after consulting the Board of Directors. The general mission of the Center is to organize Blood Transfusion, implement the quality assurance system, ensure quality control and ensure the safety of blood products and their derivatives.
    Its specific mandate is to: - enforce quality standards for blood transfusion; - organize the collection and distribution of blood and its derivatives on the national territory, - technically support hospital transfusion services by providing training and development of their staff. The Center is relayed by the Regional Centers of Blood Transfusion abbreviated "CRTS". The CRTS are under the administrative, financial and technical control of the