• After HIV testing and counselling, those who are HIV positive are linked to care and treatment services so that they can begin taking antiretroviral medication.

    LVCT Health has two clinics situated in Hurlingham, Nairobi and Tivoli Centre, Kisumu. We also have four drop-in centres (DiCEs) in Nairobi – Nairobi CBD, Kenya cinema building, Sokoni in Kawangware, Hurlingham DiCE, behind Jamii Bora Bank, CBD – Kenya cinema building), and Githurai – three in Kiambu – Juja, Thika and Kiambu integrated and ten in Western Kenya located in Kisii County – Kisii, Migori County – Awendo, Sori, Muhuru, Isebania and Migori, Kisumu County – Naselica, Manyatta, Awasi, and Sondu. The clinics and DiCEs offer prevention, care and treatment services to key and general populations.