• Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD) Programme is run in conjunction with the Uganda Heart Institute (UHI), Case Western Reserve University, USA and JCRC. The aim is to bridge the treatment gap for RHD in Sub Saharan Africa. Interventions include secondary Penicllin prophylaxis focusing on adherence, regular clinical monitoring and management of associated complications and regular follow up echocardiography studies to monitor disease progress.

    There is a component of early detection of sub clinical disease. This is through screening of primary school children to identify those who have early stages of RHD using The World Heart Federation (WHF) criteria for echocardiographic diagnosis. These children are enrolled onto the programme, started on treatment and regularly following them up. This avoids late presentation, raises awareness in the schools coupled with education on proper treatment of sore throats which when repeated and poorly treated lead to development of RHD.