Past Events

The Official launch of the Young East African Health Research Scientists Forum (YEARS' FORUM)

08 Jul 2019, 08:30 to 17:30
Kampala - Uganda

The launch was organized by the East African Health Research Commission partnering with the partner states national focal point. It aimed at shaping and give guidance to the new researcher. YEARS' forum was approved by the 15th East Africa Community (EAC), Sectoral Council of Ministers of health as one of the pre-conference meetings of the East African Health and Scientific Conference. The initiative has enrolled the most outstanding young researchers from across the EAC with potential to lead and impact researchers for the health through their initiative and innovation.

"This forum is very crucial for young scientists as it intends to achieve a culture of research and support for young scientists, the forum was launched by the East African Health Research Commission (EAHRC), an institution of the EAC,"