
Rwanda receives COVID-19 Vaccines through COVAX

03 Mar 2021

The first batch of 240,000 doses of the AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine arrived in Kigali on Wednesday morning. The second shipment of 102,960 doses of the Pfizer vaccine, also from the COVAX facility is expected to arrive on Wednesday evening.

With each recipient receiving two doses for full protection, the AstraZeneca-Oxford and Pfizer vaccines will be used to vaccinate a total of 171,480 people identified as priority risk groups, including health personnel, those above 65 years old or with underlying health conditions, and other frontline workers.

Minister of Health Dr Daniel Ngamije said:

“We are pleased to receive these first AstraZeneca and Pfizer vaccines through the COVAX initiative, and appreciate the partnerships with the UN Family, GAVI, funders as well as manufacturers that have made this possible. We will immediately roll out our prepared vaccination plan, which will see target risk groups across Rwanda receive their first of two vaccine doses. Our target is to vaccinate 30% of our population by the end of 2021, and 60% by the end of 2022”.

Dr Kasonde Mwinga, WHO Rwanda Country Representative said:

“Rwanda has responded to the COVID-19 outbreak with determination to suppress circulation of the virus and save lives. These doses of COVID-19 vaccine from the COVAX Facility represent an unprecedented global effort to have equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines."

Juliana Lindsey, UNICEF-Rwanda Country Representative said:

“The Ministry of Health and RBC have a plan to vaccinate frontline health workers and other vulnerable groups in Rwanda as part of the first wave of vaccinations. Children, women, and men all over the country can be confident that Rwanda has taken its first steps towards recovering from the pandemic.”

On Thursday, the vaccines will be dispatched from the Rwanda Biomedical Center warehouse to District Hospitals and then on to all 508 health centres across Rwanda. Vaccination exercises will take place on Friday in hospitals and health centres, and vaccine recipients will be invited through their respective Districts.

Minister Ngamije cautioned that those vaccinated should continue to observe COVID prevention measures, including masks, physical distancing, avoiding crowded and closed spaces, and hand hygiene.

The health minister also pointed out that the Government of Rwanda continues negotiations with multiple partners, including international organizations and other governments, to acquire additional vaccines that will cover more people in subsequent phases.


Priority risk groups to be vaccinated include:
• Health care providers involved in the day-to-day management of COVID-19 patients in treatment centres and other key frontliners;
• People aged 65 and above
• People living with underlying chronic health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and respiratory diseases
• People with disabilities