Twinning Project is a unique collaboration between the Tanzania Association of Midwives (TAMA) and Canadian Association of Midwives (CAM). This idea of twinning its one of ICM initiative/strategy to strengthening its member’s countries association.

The objective of this Project includes:

  • Strengthening Tanzanian and Canadian midwifery associations through capacity building and knowledge exchange
  • Collaboration on midwifery research and education
  • Establishment of peer-to-peer mentorship which involves twenty-five(25) midwife pairs

Twinning Updates

  • 25 pairs from Canada and Tanzania have been sharing and exchange knowledge on midwifery status in their respected countries
  • In the process since 2013, four new twins have been replaced from the previous ones , due to the following reasons such as retirement, displacement to a different country and loss of interest
  • Four pairs physically met in 2014 and 2015, when the two Canadian twins visited Tanzania
  • The twins have built strong relationship and friendships which has enhance unity among themselves and their respective associations
  • Research ideas being developed for uptake in year 3 via peer to peer twinning relationships between CAM and TAMA
  • TAMA is organizing a short refresher meeting to all Tanzanian twins in early next year(2016)
  • Twins have been asked to submit a quarterly progress report on their communication to inform next steps